I mobilen har jag ELLE's horoskop och Måste läsa det varje dag och det stämmer ibland ibland inte men idag oj vad det stämde!
Om ni är vädurar som mig så kan ni läsa annars kanske ni borde stå över (jag tror att det är otur att läsa ett annat stjärnteckens horoskop)
"A desire to clear the air and get something off your chest: Good. Character assassination: Bad. As tempting as it may be to say what's on your mind, Aries, don't. Not until you've scrawled the first draft in your diary, vented to a completely neutral third party, and released the steam valve of your own heated emotions on your own. What's bugging you about this situation is how much it reminds you of a past hurt. Turns out you may still have some healing to do from the earlier incident, so focus on that and you'll see the current scenario from a fresh perspective."